A Player Who Eats Metal

Chapter 63: End of Wave, Shocking Declaration

Chapter 63: End of Wave, Shocking Declaration

< Chapter 63. End of Wave, Shocking Declaration -3 >


The next destination for the three of them was the blacksmith alley in Munrae-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu.

Though it was only one subway stop away from Singil Station, the subway was currently out of operation.

As there were no places more challenging than the underground tunnels for monster extermination, it seemed like the subway would be closed for a few more weeks.

In the end, they decided to walk, and just as they were nearing their destination…

"Look over there, it seems there are still monsters."

Park Junmo pointed somewhere and said.

In front of a store, fully armed AMT troops were lined up.

They appeared to be a unit dispatched from another region for the Seoul clearance operation, and signs of a recent battle were evident.

Blood spatters were everywhere in the alley, and bodies that looked like zombies were scattered about.

"Damn, the underground passages are too narrow to enter!”

"Quick, use a few fire spells!”

"I've tried several times, but it doesn't seem to work!”

And it seemed they were still in the midst of a cleansing operation, moving about hurriedly.

Seoul was still in a dangerous state.

"Even though thousands were deployed for three days to catch the monsters, it seems it’s not over yet."

"There were so many gates opened, over a hundred, I heard."

"Hmm… given the situation, I wonder if it's okay to allow passage."

Park Junmo and Kim Se-hee had various discussions, but Lee Hyunwook couldn’t join in.

‘It’s driving me crazy…'

He was in such intense pain that it was hard to breathe.

[The ‘Ether Engine’ is being formed in your heart. (42%)]

-Severe pain may accompany!

He felt as though his heart would stop any second, he was struggling to breathe.

The only relief was that the creation speed was faster than he thought.

‘About half is done now, I just need to endure another 30 minutes.'

While he was enduring the pain, they soon entered the blacksmith alley.

Soon after, they arrived at the most dilapidated building, the workshop of blacksmith Kang Jung-du.

"Sir, I'm here.”

"Ah, has the hero arrived!”

Kang Jung-du rushed out, taking off his magnifying glasses.

"You have to prepare to move, but I'm sure you're overwhelmed because of my request.”

"Ha-ha, my belongings are so humble, there isn’t much to pack.”

"Now, you can move to a better place and have a proper home."

Lee Hyunwook employed Kang Jung-du and Kang Hee-seol as the exclusive blacksmiths for the Hope Guild.

And he promised to provide them with a new residence and workshop nearby.

Though Kang Jung-du felt burdened, he didn’t refuse.

He wouldn’t want his granddaughter growing up in a narrow, old workshop after all.

"After all, it's all thanks to you, General. I won’t forget this favor."

Lee Hyunwook smiled, suppressing his pain.

"How is the item I requested coming along?"

"Yes, of course! Although I'm not exactly a specialist in magical engineering, the item turned out well!"

Even though Kang Jung-du said that it seemed he had been mastering the skill of magical engineering for quite some time.

"Hehe, didn't an island appear in the Seoul sky due to your recent heroics? Whether it's Laputa or Lappida, that island is giving all sorts of buffs, so the work is going really smoothly."

"Ah, right. That's fortunate."

"Yes, please wait a moment, and I'll bring the item out."

The appearance of Laputa had caused this region to be covered in production-related ‘buffs'.

Thanks to this, the blacksmith alley was showcasing more explosive productivity than ever before.

Given a few years, this place might become the hub of the world's item-manufacturing industry.

A short while later, Kang Jung-du emerged from the warehouse, pulling a cart.

"Here, this is it."

Atop it was a huge square object—a black box made of steel.

Intricate circuit-like patterns were engraved all over its surface, giving off a very technological vibe.

When Kang Jung-du flipped the activation switch—


The surface of the object lit up with blue circuit lines, and its heavy body floated into the air.

However, there were no visible propellers or air nozzles, or any other physical propulsion device.

"This device contains a ‘flight stone'. When supplied with mana, it floats like this."

Indeed, it was flying solely through magical power.

This magical engineering aircraft, the ‘Airship', floated using the power of the flight stone.

"Wow, but what is this?"

"Oh, what is this used for?"

Park Junmo and Kim Se-hee asked simultaneously.

To which Lee Hyunwook replied:

"Simply put, it's an ‘automated aerial drop device'."

"You drop something from the sky?"

"Yes, it supplies the weapons I'll use."


Kim Se-hee and Park Junmo seemed to have understood as they clapped in realization.

Lee Hyunwook's combat effectiveness exponentially increased with the number of metal weapons he could wield.

This was evident just by observing his signature move, ‘Rain of Steel'.

However, he couldn't carry all those weapons around, nor could he constantly open ‘portals'.

‘Opening a portal in the sky is actually a very inefficient method.'

Considering that it took over thirty magicians to open one, it was a significant loss.

In that context, this aerial drop device would be incredibly useful if properly developed.

Having dozens of these stored in a hangar and summoning them in emergencies was a method Lee Hyunwook had used in his previous life.

The time to implement it had finally come.

Of course, it being a prototype meant there was still time before its deployment in real combat.

"But, it looks less than 2 meters in both length and width. Wouldn't it carry fewer weapons?"

Upon Kim Se-hee's inquiry, Kang Jung-du chuckled.

"This device may seem small at first glance, but it's equipped with a sub-space storage, allowing it to hold up to 30 items."


"Haha, it's more efficient than it looks."

Lee Hyunwook examined the surface of the device from various angles. It was neat, as expected.

"By the way, sir, how long is its maximum operation time?"

At that question, Kang Jung-du showed a hint of unease for the first time.

"Actually, we couldn't solve that. The mana battery to sustain something of this size for a long time is… well…"

As with all cutting-edge technologies, it was the darn battery that posed a problem.

Then, Lee Hyunwook took something out of his pocket.

"If we install this, how much do you think it will extend?"

It was a small red mechanical device.

Holding it, Kang Jung-du observed the system message that appeared before his eyes and was taken aback.

"No, this is…"

"Is it a good item?"

"Well, it's not just ‘good'. No one in this country possesses this level of technology."

It was a mana heart, embedded near the hearts of Chu Gyoyong’s Black Orcs.

As of now, it was a product of advanced technology that was priceless,

and it seemed to be a custom-made item from the magic engineering lab of the Chad Republic.

"Hmm… If we equip about two of these, it should fly for about 50 minutes when fully charged. Of course, it has its own mana production capability, so if it lands and recuperates, it can fly again."

However, Lee Hyunwook couldn't help but be disappointed.

‘Only 50 minutes… It's still far from the equipment I've used before.'

It couldn't be helped. The aerial drop device he used was technology from the future.

As disappointment showed on Lee Hyunwook's face, Kang Jung-du began to showcase other items.

"Oh, silly me. Please take a look at these little guys."

Kang Jung-du took out bead-like items from a box, which then levitated and emitted light.


"They have a function similar to mana drones, but they're much smaller."

Indeed, they looked like mini reconnaissance drones that flew using the power of the ‘flight stone'.

"I made these on the side using some leftover ‘flight stones'. They're small and quiet, perfect for discreet surveillance. And they can even be remotely detonated."

"Detonation, that's quite handy."

"Yes, I thought they might be useful for the Steel Brigade's special operations. Haha…"

However, Kang Jung-du's ensuing explanation didn't register with Lee Hyunwook.

[The ‘Ether Engine' is forming in your heart. (62%)]

-Severe pain may accompany!


The pain in his heart intensified.

Lee Hyunwook eventually crumpled to the ground.

"Hey! Sergeant Lee Hyunwook—!”

Park Junmo tried to support him, but he couldn't stand.

‘Damn, is this my heart actually stopping?'

He felt a wrenching pain in his heart.

He also sensed an intense surge of energy emanating from within.


Yes, his heart began producing a tremendous amount of mana.

At that moment, something strange began to happen.


Inside the workshop, magical engineering items that were stationary started to activate all at once.

"How is this… I haven't even installed batteries in that yet…"

With the voice of a startled Kang Jung-du echoing, Lee Hyunwook lost consciousness.

* * *

―This morning, there was a briefing from the <Seoul Countermeasure Headquarters> stating that the Seoul suppression operation is nearing its conclusion. However, in various parts of Seoul, a large number of monsters are still being discovered…

From somewhere, a man's voice could be heard.

―…Thus, there's a widespread opinion among the player community that the ‘blessing' of the Holy Maiden is needed. The Holy Maiden, as the head of <Saint Dome>, can cast wide-ranging blessing spells. However, after facing assassination threats two years ago, she's been extremely reluctant to expose her whereabouts. Will she act for Seoul's sake…

It sounded like the news on a TV.

Lee Hyunwook opened his eyes.

His entire body was drenched in cold sweat.

‘This is… Ah, Kang Jung-du's room…'

And in front of his eyes, a series of system messages appeared.

[Congratulations! You've met special conditions and have been awarded a new ‘skill']

[Skill Information]

-Name: Ether Engine

-Grade: D


-Mana Heart: Increases the total amount of mana (+50,000). Increases mana regeneration (+500%).

-Mana Transfer: Can provide ‘mana' to the player or ‘controllable targets'.

-Mana Link: Can ‘synchronize' with the magical circuit of the mana transfer target.

[If hidden conditions are met, the skill grade will be upgraded.]

Lee Hyunwook carefully reviewed the contents.

By absorbing a power source equivalent to a nuclear reactor, his heart had been modified into a <Mana Heart>.

Given that he absorbed a legendary grade, its capabilities were bound to be tremendous.

‘I've already significantly increased my total mana a few days ago by consuming the Mana Hearts I obtained from the Black Orcs, along with all those Mana Tanks. With this… it seems like I won't have to worry about running out of mana ever again?'

[Mana: 59,441/59,441]

At a glance, he might now be capable of infinite Metal Pulverization and Metal Morphing.

‘If I had faced the armored venomous insects in this state, I would have effortlessly obliterated them…'

However, the crucial part wasn't about such total mana.

The second skill, <Mana Transfer>, and the third skill, <Mana Link>, were essentially the core.

‘It means producing mana from the heart and supplying it to a controllable object…'

Before he passed out, Lee Hyunwook remembered the peculiar scene that had unfolded.

The magically-engineered items that had inexplicably activated…

Lee Hyunwook felt as if he had some sort of ‘connection' with them at that moment.

‘So, it means I can charge the mana batteries of magical engineering equipment? Moreover, as magical engineering advances and various items are developed in the future if I can freely use them…'

This is insane.

That's what he thought as he suddenly sat up.

"Ah! Master, you're awake?"

Master? The one to use such an absurd title was none other than Kang Hee-seol.

She peeked her head in from behind the sliding door.

"How long was I out for?"

"Um, about 15 minutes? Maybe 16?”

It didn't feel like he had been out that long.

"Do you want a glass of water? I also have yogurt."


"Yes, would you like yogurt?"

"No, that's kind of weird…"

It was unlike anyone to offer yogurt to someone who just woke up from a faint. Kang Hee-seol was definitely not normal.

Speaking of which, not only Kang Jeong-doo but also Kim Se-hee and Park Joon-mo were nowhere to be seen.

"Hee-seol, where did everyone go?"

"After you passed out, they went to fetch a healer. But you seem fine now?"


When he opened the room door, the workshop was right there.

In the center of it was the aerial drop device.

Lee Hyunwook raised his left hand towards it.


Woo woo woo woo——! It really activated.

And slowly floated into the air.

[‘Mana Transfer’ begins in the ‘Aerial Drop Device (Prototype)']

-Mana decrease per second: 50

Just by keeping it afloat, a whopping 50 mana is reduced every second.

However, more mana is being restored in real-time.

‘In other words, as long as it doesn't exceed the regeneration, it's an infinite power source.'

It was originally thought that to properly use that, one would need to put effort into mana battery development for at least several months… but now it seems like there's no need to.

At that moment, someone rushed into the workshop.

"What happened… are you okay?"

It was Kim Se-hee. She had a health recovery potion in both hands.

"Sigh… I went to call a healer from the AMT squad earlier, but it was chaotic over there too. So, I brought this health recovery potion instead. Come on—drink this."

"Thanks, but I'm fine."

"What do you mean ‘fine'? Why did you suddenly collapse? I've put my faith in you for the future, what am I supposed to do if something happens to you?"


"You don't have a serious illness, do you? I heard you collapsed before too."

"Come to think of it, I fainted when I absorbed the ‘Demon's Medal (Legion)'."

He thought, that if he kept consuming anything carelessly, it could lead to trouble if he fainted and collapsed at crucial moments.

"It's okay. I won't die."



Ta—da—da— dang——!

"What was that? Wasn't that a gunshot?"

At the question from Lee Hyunwook, Kim Se-hee nodded.

"That is… there's a bit of a problem outside."

"By any chance, was it that AMT from earlier?”

The AMT forces I saw on my way here seemed to have run into a problem with their sweep operation.

"Yes, that's right. Those AMTs that were in the alley, they still haven't been able to enter the underground parking lot. Moreover, I heard that four tankers were dragged into the parking lot… It's still a mess."

Kim Se-hee had a bitter expression on her face.

"…What kind of monster are they dealing with, that they're being captured like that?"

"Well, I had a quick look, and there was this long, red tentacle-like thing everywhere…"

At this point, Lee Hyunwook furrowed his eyebrows.

‘If it's a red tentacle that can drag people, it can only be the Devil's Claw… Did that appear during the 4th wave? I don't think so.’

Lee Hyunwook felt an inexplicable sense of discomfort.

"…Let's go check it out ourselves."

"Huh? Us? We don't have any weapons."

"The weapons are all around here."

Indeed, this place was a forge.

"No, that's not the point. Are you sure you're okay physically?"

"Don't worry about it."

Saying that Lee Hyunwook picked up a bead-shaped device from the workbench.

[You have acquired ‘Flying Eye (Prototype)']

‘According to craftsman Kang Jung-du, this is some kind of mana drone and also an explosive device, maybe?'

The explanation given by Kang Jung-du just before he fainted briefly crossed his mind.

[You can synchronize with this item through ‘Mana Link']


Lee Hyunwook started the synchronization.

Then, the ‘Flying Eye' rose, and an entirely different scene unfolded inside his mind.

Whirr— Whirr—

Astonishingly, it was from the camera's perspective of the ‘Flying Eye'.

‘This is like a magician's vision being linked to a magic drone.'

While it moved quite rapidly and was somewhat dizzying, he still had a degree of control.

It seemed like it would be very handy to use.

* * *

About thirty AMT troops were lined up in front of the underground parking lot of an eight-story commercial building.


They were struggling against unidentified tree tentacles that were extending from the underground parking lot.

Although there was a brief lull at the moment, they couldn't relax as the tentacles kept emerging periodically.

And no matter how much they cut or burned them, the tentacles kept growing endlessly.

"Damn, it's too late now…"

About 40 minutes ago, two kids were dragged inside.

They tried several times to rescue them.

But instead, five more tankers were pulled in…

In the end, they gave up on rescuing them on their own and requested support from the ‘Strategy Squad'.

"Platoon leader, someone is coming! Ah! They're wearing AMT combat uniforms!”

But their reinforcements were just a small number, only three people.

And they didn't seem to be armed…

"Huh? That's not reinforcement troops, that's the female sergeant from earlier, right?"

"Sheesh, after pestering us in this chaos for potions, now what?"

It was Lee Hyunwook, Kim Se-hee, and Park Junmo.

Lee Hyunwook first examined the tentacles sprawled at the entrance of the underground parking lot and realized that the strange feeling he had was not mistaken.

‘This is indeed the Devil's Claw.'

This was not a monster that appeared during the 4th wave.

‘Moreover, it's not even emerging as a monster outside the gate. It appears inside the dungeon like some kind of trap. Meaning, someone intentionally brought it out…'

Lee Hyunwook had a hunch that some conspiracy was again unfolding beneath him.

“—Hey there!”

At that moment, someone shouted like that.

A female officer of intermediate rank approached.

Her name was Lee Tae-kyung, and she seemed to be the commander of this squad, perhaps the platoon leader.

"What are you guys doing here! Are you done sightseeing?"

Indeed, in the midst of a life-and-death battle, it was understandable for them to be upset since they looked like they were just standing by and watching.

"Salute— I apologize, but do you happen to have any information about that monster?”


Unless you were part of the ‘Strategy Team' that entered dungeons, you wouldn't typically see the Devil's Claw.

Therefore, there was a high possibility that they were struggling without a clear understanding of how to deal with it.

"That's a plant-type monster called the Devil's Claw. Its regeneration speed is incredibly fast, so cutting off the tentacles that pop out is useless. You need to remove the thick stem inside, the core."

However, it didn't seem like the situation was conducive enough for them to heed Lee Hyunwook's advice.

"What is he saying right now… Hey, can't you see the situation? How are we supposed to get in there? Do you think we haven't tried?"

It seemed they had already attempted to enter multiple times but failed.

"Sigh— If you came here to mock us, please just leave. Seriously… Do you know how many have died here? Don't act carelessly…"

Lee Hyunwook nodded.

"Those people, they're not dead yet.”


"The Devil's Claw does suck the bodily fluids of living creatures, but it only consumes cold blood. So, after injecting paralysis poison, it waits for the body temperature to drop. They'll probably be devoured around tonight."

As Lee Hyunwook spoke in succession, confusion spread across Lee Tae-kyung's face.

"On what basis are you saying that…"

Instead of answering, Lee Hyunwook brushed past Lee Tae-kyung and moved a bit closer.

"If it's not too presumptuous, may we attempt to enter?”

At this, Lee Tae-kyung's face twisted once again.

"Stop bluffing without evidence and first state your affiliation, you punk—"

In response to that, Lee Hyunwook turned his head and gave a deep salute.

"My apologies. We belong to the 1st Battalion of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade. I am Sergeant Lee Hyunwook, the leader of the 5th team of the 1st Company of that unit."

The moment she heard that, her eyebrows twitched.

The 1st Battalion of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade… because she had heard too many stories about them recently.

"Oh, so you're from the unit that survived the wave… Wait a, could it be…"

To that, Lee Hyunwook added a remark.

"Though I'm just a soldier on leave now, until recently… I was the commander of a unit called the Steel Battalion."

With that statement, the gaze directed at him couldn't help but change markedly.

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