Apocalypse: The Hotel She Runs Is the Only Paradise

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

On the morning of the final assault, the guests finished their breakfast in the dining hall and set off.0

Gu Wanyin stood at the hotel entrance, watching them leave.0

Currently, ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌‍the vampires in the eastern district lacked a leader, leaving them in a state of panic.0

Doyle and the Prince led the people in launching a surprise attack, catching the vampires off guard.0

Soon, most of the vampires in the eastern district were wiped out.0

After all, Doyle now possessed many powerful artifacts.0

Coupled with the high morale of the people and their diverse array of weapons, they were no longer as defenseless as before when facing vampires.0

However, a small number of vampires still roamed free.0

So, the Prince took his men out daily to search for them.0

But then, another issue surfaced.0

Some of these vampires had never harmed humans.0

In fact, they had no interest in drinking human blood.0

In their eyes, aside from having wings and fangs, they were no different from humans.0

Among the vampires, they had always been outcasts.0

Some had suggested simply killing them to end the problem.0

But the Prince felt that doing so wasn’t right.0

After all, these vampires had even secretly helped humans on occasion.0

This had been confirmed by humans who came forward to testify.0

So, the Prince wanted to spare their lives.0

However, he knew that allowing vampires to coexist with humans on the same land would be unacceptable to most people.0

Many had lost loved ones to vampires, and even if these particular vampires weren’t responsible, their presence would still evoke discomfort.0

As a human himself, the Prince naturally had to prioritize human concerns.0

Unable to come up with a solution, he turned to Gu Wanyin for help.0

“My hotel isn’t suitable for vampires,” Gu Wanyin said. “But I do think there’s a place where those vampires could live.”0

“Really? Where?” the Prince asked eagerly.0

Gu Wanyin smiled. “Lunxi Island, home to the fairies. When I visited last time, I noticed a large empty area on the island, apart from where the fairies live. It would be more than enough for the vampires.”0

“That’s perfect!”0

“However, we’ll need the fairies’ consent,” Gu Wanyin added. “After all, the island is theirs. If they refuse, there’s nothing I can do.”0

The Prince stroked his chin. “I’ll discuss it with the Fairy King.”0


Coincidentally, a few days later, the scatterbrained fairy leader arrived at the hotel with a few fairies for a visit.0

The Prince had a thorough discussion with the fairy leader.0

The fairy leader generously agreed but set two conditions: the vampires were not to intrude on the fairies’ living areas, and the Prince had to treat them to delicious food.0

The Prince readily agreed.0

When the fairy leader returned to the island, he took the vampires with him.0

These vampires had been thoroughly vetted by Doyle and the Prince to ensure they posed no threat.0

“That’s one worry off my mind,” the Prince said to Gu Wanyin. “Thank you, Boss Gu.”0

“No need to thank me,” Gu Wanyin replied with a smile. “I merely offered a suggestion. However, while most of the vampires in the eastern district have been eliminated, the northern, southern, and western districts still have many, and I hear they’re led by a powerful chieftain. You’ll still have many battles ahead.”0

“Yes,” the Prince nodded firmly. “I’ve already prepared myself for that.”0


In the following days, Gu Wanyin completed several more tasks.0

The Peace Hotel continued to expand, unlocking several new towers and villas.0

At the same time, grand castles were unlocked in the northern, southern, and western districts.0

Gu Wanyin also hired a few fairy staff from the island to manage the hotels in other regions.0

With the hotel’s food and weapons, people everywhere were energized and morale was high. They began taking the initiative to attack vampires, determined to reclaim their homes.0

Doyle and the Prince grew increasingly busy.0

The Prince told Gu Wanyin that once all the vampires were eliminated, he planned to propose to Joshua.0

Only then did Gu Wanyin realize that the reason he had been so hesitant before was because he had feelings for Joshua.0

In her eyes, it was clear that Joshua felt the same way.0

Although the Prince and Janet had been engaged, their betrothal was entirely arranged by their parents, and neither had any romantic feelings for the other.0

Now that the engagement had been dissolved, there was nothing stopping the Prince from proposing to Joshua.0

Janet would sincerely wish them happiness.0n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om


As human forces grew stronger, the vampires’ morale weakened.0

Gradually, the vampires were no match for the humans.0

Doyle led the Prince and a group of skilled humans in a final showdown against the vampire chieftain.0

Though they were severely injured in the battle, they succeeded in killing the chieftain.0

With the chieftain dead, the remaining vampires were much easier to defeat.0

The system informed Gu Wanyin that her management tasks in this world were complete, and she could return to her previous world.0

The hotel would continue to be managed by the fairy staff.0

Of course, she remained the hotel owner and could visit whenever she wished.0

It had been a long time since Gu Wanyin had returned, and she wondered how everyone was doing. She also missed Cola and Hamburger.0

So, she informed the people here and prepared to leave.0

Naturally, they were reluctant to see her go, but they understood.0

Gu Wanyin was not from their world, and her departure was inevitable.0

Thus, the guests held a farewell banquet for her at the hotel.0

At the banquet, the guests drank heavily, and afterward, they all returned to their rooms to sleep.0

Once they were asleep, Gu Wanyin had the system open a portal, and she returned to her previous world with Bai Shuwen.0


Cola and Hamburger were overjoyed to see Gu Wanyin finally return.0

They had grown taller, and according to their teachers, they often ranked first in their classes.0

In this world, the zombies were nearly eradicated.0

Gu Wanyin noticed that the people had even erected a statue of her.0

Standing before her own statue, Gu Wanyin felt a bit embarrassed, but she appreciated the gesture.0

People had begun rebuilding their homes.0

Once the zombies were completely eliminated, the interstellar forces would soon send help.0

As she strolled through the streets, Gu Wanyin asked the system, “Next, you’re not going to send me to another world to manage a hotel, are you?”0

“Perhaps in the future, but for now, I can fulfill my earlier promise and let you choose any world to travel to!”0

“Really? Any world?”0

“Of course! Fairy tale worlds, ancient worlds, animal worlds… oh, and interstellar worlds too!”0

“Well, then let’s pick one at random. After all, we’ve got plenty of time to explore them all.”0

“Exactly. No matter which world you choose, I’ll be with you.”0

“Alright, let’s head to the fairy tale world first!”0

“As you wish, host.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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