Beast Taming: Starting From Zero

Chapter 88: The Stone Helm Spirit

At that moment, Qiao Sang understood.

Everything was predestined.

If she hadn’t returned to her hometown, she wouldn’t have saved the Magnemouse.

If she hadn’t saved the Magnemouse, she wouldn’t have come to Huangming Mountain.

If she hadn’t come to Huangming Mountain, she wouldn’t have met the mother of the Magnemouse.

But most importantly!

If she hadn’t met the mother of the Magnemouse, how would she have had the chance to stumble upon this 5 million reward!

As the saying goes: "When heaven bestows wealth upon a person, it first tests their will and exhausts their body!"

Qiao Sang pulled back her head and, in passing, grabbed the curious Yabao who was still peeking out.




The three little heads turned in unison to look at Qiao Sang.

Meanwhile, Little Treasure remained unaffected, calmly sipping on his milk. He had used up a lot of energy earlier and only wanted to replenish it now.

Qiao Sang cautiously retreated further, positioning herself behind a large wutong tree that still provided a clear view of the 5 million. She hid there, waiting in silence.

It wasn’t until some time later that the intense surge of adrenaline, the pounding heartbeat, and the thrill of excitement finally began to fade.

Qiao Sang calmed down and tried to analyze the situation.

This man was a fugitive murderer, so exposing herself was definitely not a wise choice.

The wanted notice listed only his name, appearance, age, hometown, and bounty, along with the crimes he had committed.

There was no mention of his level as a beastmaster or details about his beast companions.

That was typical, though. The purpose of such a wanted notice was to alert the public to report sightings of him, not to expect civilians to capture him.

The safest course of action now was to call the police.

But there were two problems: No signal, and no way down the mountain.

As for the first issue, either there was a signal jamming device on the mountain, or this 5 million guy had an Electric-type beast that was using electromagnetic interference.

As for the second issue, she couldn't tell whether it was a Psychic-type or Ghost-type beast that was causing the trouble.

The Magnemouse had been in and out of this area, even after seeing the Silver-tailed Sea Serpent and the 5 million guy, so it was clear that whatever was trapping them, whether it was a mirage or ghost trick, couldn’t be in effect all the time.

Qiao Sang glanced around the man’s surroundings. He lay there, eyes closed, appearing gravely injured, but there was no sign of any beasts nearby.

That was suspicious.

A wounded fugitive with no beast companions keeping guard? How was that possible?

“Little Treasure, check around that man. Is there anyone else aside from him?” Qiao Sang whispered.


Little Treasure pointed toward the man’s side.

Of course, he had already spotted something.

Qiao Sang fell into deep thought. So, there was a Ghost-type beast nearby, lurking and invisible.

Typically, one wouldn’t be able to see an invisible Ghost-type beast. However, Ghost-type creatures could see each other when they were invisible, though their forms wouldn’t be as distinct as if they were fully materialized.

“Magnemouse, have there been any other strange beasts around the mountain lately besides the Silver-tailed Sea Serpent?” Qiao Sang asked.

The Magnemouse and its offspring shook their heads.

Qiao Sang’s mind raced. If only things were really that simple.

The 5 million guy was injured and either unconscious or asleep. If the only beast guarding him was a Ghost-type, then it might be possible to create a distraction and lead it away.

A beastmaster’s greatest strength lies in their beasts, but their biggest weakness is their own vulnerability.

If she could take advantage of his current state and tie him up...

Qiao Sang quickly dismissed the idea.

It was easier said than done, and there were too many unknowns.

First, how would she lure the Ghost-type beast away without causing too much commotion? If the noise woke up the 5 million guy, then what?

Second, what if he managed to summon more beasts after waking up?

Lastly, even if by some miracle she succeeded, how would she get down the mountain?

No matter what, the Ghost-type beast or the Silver-tailed Sea Serpent would eventually notice their master was missing.

While Qiao Sang was deep in thought, Little Treasure tilted his head, looking from his master to the miserable-looking Ghost-type creature nearby.

It seemed like his master wanted the ghost to leave.

Being a considerate Treasure-Seeking Ghost, he decided he should help his master solve this issue.

Having finished his last sip of milk, Little Treasure leisurely floated over to where the Ghost-type creature was hiding.


The sound of Yabao pulled Qiao Sang out of her thoughts.

Little Treasure had already floated over to the man.

Qiao Sang was stunned. When had her little ghost moved over there?! And why?!

Could he be trying to say hello to a fellow Ghost-type?

She felt a wave of panic. Was she about to be exposed?

Whatever happens, she couldn't let them know she was aware of his bounty.

Qiao Sang watched nervously.

She saw Little Treasure make a sound toward the empty air. Suddenly, a creature appeared, a Ghost-type beast about 1.5 meters tall, wearing a stone helmet on its head, with only a single large purple eye visible through the visor.

Qiao Sang recognized it as a high-level beast: a Stone Helm Spirit.

In the world of Ghost-type beasts, the Stone Helm Spirit had a relatively benign reputation.

At worst, they liked floating their helmet around at night to scare people.

At that moment, Little Treasure pulled out a bottle of milk and offered it to the Stone Helm Spirit.

Qiao Sang was genuinely worried about her little ghost.

Why did he keep offering milk to everyone?!

The Stone Helm Spirit looked fierce and menacing. Why would it ever accept the milk?

To her utter disbelief, the next moment, the Stone Helm Spirit carefully took the milk and began to drink it. Tears of gratitude welled up in its purple eye.

Qiao Sang: …

What was happening in this world…

What Qiao Sang didn’t know was that ever since the Stone Helm Spirit had been on the run with its beastmaster, it hadn’t had a decent meal.

After the Stone Helm Spirit finished the milk, Little Treasure gestured to a distant spot, then floated away, with the Stone Helm Spirit quickly following as if it were afraid of getting left behind.

Qiao Sang: …

Maybe this world isn’t about beastmasters needing their beasts, but beasts needing their beastmasters…

Ahead, the man was still lying motionless in the grass.

Qiao Sang’s heart began to race.

Should she go over and tie him up?

This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance…

But what if he woke up and summoned more beasts?

No, it was now or never!

Fortune favors the bold.

Steeling herself, Qiao Sang quickly untied her shoelaces, grabbed Yabao, and dashed toward the man.

She knelt down and tied his hands together tightly, binding his fingers.

A beastmaster needed their hands to make summoning seals. As long as his hands were bound, he wouldn’t be able to summon any more beasts.

As she was tying him up, the man’s eyelids fluttered. Yabao immediately noticed and, without a second thought, headbutted the man right in the forehead.

Yabao had trained his headbutt extensively, smashing into trees countless times. The man’s eyes, which had barely opened, promptly shut again.

“Good job.” Qiao Sang praised.

“Yap!” Yabao barked happily.

Though it didn’t understand what was happening, it sensed that this man wasn’t supposed to wake up.

Once the man’s hands were securely tied, Qiao Sang finally let out a sigh of relief.


T/N: (I've left the author's note here because I think it's real. And funny.)

Author's Note:

"I’ve realized most of you are superficial. Just because he’s handsome doesn’t mean he has any romantic connection with the female lead... He’s not a hunk; he’s a 5 million bounty!"

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