Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 36: Humanized Surgical Guidance

Chapter 36: Humanized Surgical Guidance

[Ding! Mission from Ruth: Appendectomy surgery! Mission success reward: Appendectomy experience +200! Copper coins +300!]

The system's task prompt echoed in Charlotte's mind.

Looking at Ruth's hopeful gaze and the generous rewards from the system, Charlotte felt a bit nervous.

He had undergone an appendectomy, but he was the one lying in the hospital bed!

Moreover, he had been under anesthesia at the time, and he couldn't remember the specific details.

Even if he remembered how the knife was used, this wasn't the same as slaughtering a pig. Just because he had experienced surgery, did that mean he could do it himself?

Even if it was a minor surgery, it wasn't something he could casually attempt.

As a veterinarian, he couldn't confidently say that he would be able to recognize which part was the appendix, which part was the cecum, and which part was the colon after cutting open the abdomen. If he made a wrong incision, that would be another story.

"Boss, what is acute appendicitis? Can you treat it?" Vivian, with a curious and eager-to-learn attitude, couldn't help but ask.

"This acute appendicitis..." Charlotte pondered. With the mindset of saving lives, he naturally didn't want Ruth to suffer and die from acute appendicitis. But as a veterinarian with rich clinical experience, he didn't possess the skill of performing an appendectomy.

However, the situation was urgent now, and the words had already been spoken. How could he solve this?

[Ding! Detected the host's first attempt at performing an appendectomy. Obtained one opportunity for appendectomy surgical guidance!]

The system's voice sounded.

Then Charlotte noticed a red dot appearing on Ruth's lower right abdomen, with a note: [McBurney's point: Optimal incision location for appendectomy!]

Charlotte blinked his eyes, and the red dot remained visible, and the note didn't disappear.

The note was still the same, but it was the first time it appeared during surgery.

"Isn't this like a step-by-step tutorial?" Charlotte's eyes lit up, and his confidence surged.

"This acute appendicitis is just a minor problem, but the inflamed appendix must be removed promptly; otherwise, it can be extremely torturous," Charlotte looked at Vivian and earnestly lectured, "However, those doctors who only know magic and can't treat it specifically with magic label patients with such minor ailments as abandoned by God to cover up their incompetence."

"Is that true?" Vivian was a bit skeptical.

She had never even heard of this minor problem that Charlotte mentioned. If it was just a minor problem, then why wouldn't the healing spells work?

"Prepare for surgery," Charlotte didn't explain further and directly gave the order.

Although it was only additional guidance, after his appendectomy, he watched some relevant videos and read some papers to have a general understanding of the surgical procedure. If he proceeded with caution, there shouldn't be a problem.

Even if he made a mistake, he still had an intermediate mage as a backup. It shouldn't be a big issue.

"Don't worry, even if God has abandoned you, I won't abandon you," Charlotte held Ruth's hand firmly and looked at her with unwavering determination.

A warm power transmitted from his palm, instantly moistening Ruth's eyes again. The resolute gaze reassured her, and she nodded slightly, saying, "I believe in you."

"Did the other clinics give you any painkillers?" Charlotte asked again.

When Ruth first entered the clinic, she appeared completely normal. It was likely that she had taken painkillers to suppress the pain.

Unfortunately, Charlotte didn't have any of those; all he had were sedatives, but they were highly unstable. If someone under sedation experienced pain during the surgery, they might wake up directly.

Trembling, Ruth reached into a small pouch at her waist and took out a small black bottle, whispering, "I still have one bottle left."

Charlotte opened the bottle and a faint fishy smell wafted out, like fish soup without the fishy odor. It didn't smell pleasant, but Ruth had proven that it seemed to be effective.

He took out another bottle of sedatives and helped Ruth sit up. "Drink both of these bottles, then sleep for a while. When you wake up, you'll be fine."

Ruth obediently drank both bottles of medication. Before losing consciousness, she looked at Charlotte with reluctance and said, "Doctor, if I don't wake up, please remember me. If you die, there's no one left to remember you, and it must be very lonely."

"Don't worry, just sleep. I will wake you up," Charlotte gently laid her back on the operating table.

As soon as her head touched the bed, Ruth slipped into unconsciousness.

Painkillers combined with sedatives, this was currently the most reliable anesthesia method Charlotte could find.

There were two benefits to putting Ruth under sedation. Firstly, it prevented her from interrupting the surgery if she couldn't bear the sight of herself being cut open. Secondly, in case of any mistakes during the surgery, Vivian could step in to handle the aftermath.

Vivian walked into the operating room carrying sterilized surgical instruments. She glanced at Ruth, who was already unconscious, and whispered, "Boss, are you going to perform surgery on Sister Ruth?"

She still didn't fully believe that Charlotte could cure patients who were deemed abandoned by the gods by other doctors. It was undoubtedly challenging the authority of the divine.

"Young people need to learn to accept new ideas, not blindly worship authority or so-called gods," Charlotte disinfected his hands with a cleaning solution and looked at Vivian, speaking with a solemn tone, "Today, I will show you the knowledge that the medical school didn't teach, and expose the hypocrisy of those guys."

Vivian's throat moved, but she didn't refute it anymore. As she looked at Charlotte, her gaze carried a hint of... anticipation?

She didn't know why she was feeling this way.

For a doctor, this was completely subverting their beliefs and actions!

Perhaps she didn't want the beautiful sister lying on the operating table to die?

Or maybe she was starting to believe in Charlotte?

Or perhaps the surgeries Charlotte had performed in the past few days had shaken her beliefs and loosened them a bit?

"I need to operate in this area. Help undress her and clean her body thoroughly, then cover her with a sterilized cloth, leaving only the surgical area exposed," Charlotte instructed Vivian before turning away and leaving the operating room.

Three minutes later, Vivian gestured for Charlotte to enter.

Charlotte entered the operating room, disinfected his hands once again, and then picked up the smallest and most delicate dagger from the tray.

Although the dagger was small, it was as big as a paring knife, which was not delicate enough for surgery. Charlotte decided to have a more refined surgical knife custom-made by a blacksmith in the afternoon.

Not every patient had thick skin and flesh like the Lizardman. For beautiful girls like Ruth, such a scar-inducing blade was terrible.

"Stay prepared on the side. If there's a major bleeding or any other unexpected situation, I may need your help with healing magic," Charlotte said to Vivian, who was standing at the other end of the operating table.

Vivian glanced at Ruth, who was unconscious and nodded.

Taking a deep breath, Charlotte quickly calmed his nervous state of mind. His gaze became serene, devoid of any distractions. The hand holding the surgical knife became steady.

The system marked McBurney's point, the location for the appendix, with a red line on Ruth's smooth lower right abdomen.

This was the projection area of the appendix on the body's surface. Making an incision here would minimize the damage.

Just like the countless surgeries he had performed on cats and dogs, Charlotte made a slanting incision on Ruth's lower right abdomen at McBurney's point, layer by layer cutting through the external oblique muscle and separating the external oblique muscle and internal oblique muscle, lifting and incising the peritoneum into the abdominal cavity, revealing it before Charlotte.

At the same time, a series of red markings popped up.

[Appendix], [Colon]...

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