Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 218: Evil Abbess Wu Shuang (3)

Chapter 218: Evil Abbess Wu Shuang (3)

"What is the meaning of this?" more elders from the Country of Wu's side are appearing on this battlefield. From the moment the Evil Abbess Wu Shuang revealed herself, the result of this war is already set in stone.

"We're here to handle the aftermath of this battle. From this moment onwards, this war is over!" close to twenty or so elders, all with the strength between peak-level Bone Reconstruction Layer to half-step Spiritual Root Layer, made their appearance.

It was easy for the experts to separate the soldiers. But for those present at the abbess and Genius General of Warfare, their task turned out to be slightly riskier. The battle of the two continued along with their personal argument.

"Cao Wu Shuang! How could you do this to your only family member in this world? Can you face your sister down there when it's your time to go?" Peng Likun slapped out with his Spiritual Qi pushed to the limit.

His attack was fierce, but it was effortlessly diverted by the Evil abbess with a casual swing from her hand.

"My only family member? Have you even ask if I admit the relationship between us?" the Evil abbess replied. From her expression, she does seem uninterested in this topic.

"What do you mean? Does that mean you're unwilling to admit that Yan-Er? Don't force me to take the action that we'll regret later!" Peng Likun stepped forward. The Foundation Qi gathering in both of his hands seems to get thicker the closer he gets to the Evil abbess.

"Regret? What else is there for you to regret?" the Evil abbess took the soldier's armor as she revealed a part of her upper chest. There's still a scar left on her upper breast, which seems to be made from a sword.

"Bring out your sword. Or did you throw it already? Where's your precious Cao Family Verdant Sword?" the Evil abbess covered her shoulder after asking the question. She attacked immediately after that, dealing damage around where Peng Likun stands.

The attack was simple, but it made Peng Likun hesitates as he retreated a few steps back and protected Peng Yan from the remnants of the attack.

"Father, what are you two talking about? Is she related to mother?" Peng Yan asked. Except for her mother's surname, Peng Yan can be said to know nothing about her at all. Even the most loyal soldier of her father is clueless about what happened with Peng Likun before that.

"Tsk... Father will explain everything to you in the future. This... You shouldn't ask too much. It is too complicated." Peng Likun said. Putting a layer of Foundation Qi around his daughter, Peng Likun tried to protect her from any external Spiritual Qi attack while he's still fighting.

"Did your secretive father not tell you about your mother? That's just how he is. From his appearance, he looked like a gentleman that knew how to treat the ladies around him. But from the back, did you know what kind of ugly matter he did before?" the Evil abbess chuckled as she speaks.

"Cao Wu Shuang! Keep your mouth shut!" Peng Likun attacked.

"Why should I? I am not your woman! I am not the one that becomes your woman! Why? Why am I not the one you choose?" the Evil abbess gets hysterical and delivered her attack everywhere.

As both of them were experts in their half-step Spiritual Root Layer, there are no elders who dare to recklessly join the battle and stops them from continuing.

"Father's woman? Father, who is my master's real identity? What is this all about?" Peng Yan asked. The further she listened, the more question she has in her mind.

"She's..." Peng Likun hesitates.

"I am your mother's older sister. My name is Cao Wu Shuang, and hers is Cao Wu Feng. By right, I am supposed to be your aunt." the Evil abbess appeared by Peng Yan's side and tried to grab the latter in her hand.

But her plan failed because she's unable to get rid of the defensive layer protecting Peng Yan from external threats.

"Father! Is what my master said is true? She's... My aunt?" Peng Yan asked. Despair is growing in her heart as she asked herself why her own aunt made her destroy her own cultivation core.

Right now, she's nothing more than a regular person.

"Why? Why would you harm me this way if you're a family member of mine?" Peng Yan continued. She finds it difficult to believe that the one that harmed her is no one else but her own aunt and master. To think that it was someone this close to her who hurt her.

"Lass... You shouldn't be born into this world. If it's not because of you, will your father even choose your mother and not me?" the Evil abbess said.

"Cao Wu Shuang! Get the hell away from my daughter!" Peng Likun tried to stop the Evil abbess, but he was disturbed by the scorching corpses she created.

"Die!" Peng Likun slapped the walking corpses to their death. Unfortunately, It was not as easy as he thought.



"Young master!" Lu Yi and Huo Zunjie dug the landslide in their search for Qin Lan. But the effort is fruitless as Qin Lan was nowhere to be found.

"Considered you're lucky for me to be here," a female expert appeared by the side of Lu Qing Yun as she feeds her a life-saving pill. Her condition seems to be getting much better than when Qin Lan uses a life-saving measure to keep her alive.

When more soldiers arrived from the main battlefield, they quickly helped Lu Yi and Huo Zunjie. It was a race with time to get Qin Lan out from the earth before he suffocated to death.

"Look's like this place is no longer worth staying. Zhou Qian, let us go to get your cousin sister and return." another expert hovering only the sky said. From her look, she seems to be another expert from a relatively big sect.

More experts that were here to witness the battle gradually left. 

Right now, there are only two events that are still going on. At where the slope is, the soldiers, especially those wearing the Crimson Mist Army uniform, were busy removing the soil searching for Qin Lan.

As for the other side, it was a family argument between Peng Likun and Cao Wu Shuang, who seems to be his ex-lover.



"Why does this has to turn this way? Why can't we just get along with each other nicely?" Peng Yan asked as she shook her head. It seems that what the Evil abbess just told her left a big impression in her heart.

The words made her question if she should be born into this world. Perhaps without her, this world might end up as a much better place for her father and this so-called aunt.

"Yan-Er! Don't listen to what she said! There are more to be told behind this, and what she said is just from her perspective!" Peng Likun finally cleared the barricade formed by close to twenty scorching corpses and came in between Peng Yan and Cao Wu Shuang.

"Father, tell me the truth...Did you really rape both aunt and mother?" Peng Yan stares at her father as she asked him to tell her the truth.

"I... I..." Peng Likun was speechless. Based on his expression alone, it looks like what the Evil abbess told her was the truth.

Due to the lust in his mind, Peng Likun raped the two Cao family sisters right inside their family that night, forcing the two women to become his.

Although he gets married to one of them, he eventually opted for the younger sister, Cao Wu Feng, instead of Cao Wu Shuang. But on that night itself, it was Cao Wu Shuang that got impregnated by Peng Likun.

Because she ends up as an unmarried woman that gets pregnant, Cao Wu Shuang becomes the laughingstock in and out of the Cao Family. She had tried to ask Peng Likun to take responsibility for her, but she was too late.

When she arrived at the Peng's Manor, a banquet was held in the house banquet to celebrate the good news that Cao Wu Feng is pregnant. This piece of good news crushes Cao Wu Shuang's heart.

Both of them were young ladies from the same house. The man that took their virginity was the same person standing right in front of her. But how can Heaven be so unfair? Cao Wu Feng was treated like a treasure when she was found pregnant, but she was shunned because she's pregnant?

This incident set the sisters on a different path. And about two years later, the entire Cao Manor went aflame, where 153 people were found dead in the fire. It only took a single night for the Cao Family to vanish from this world of the living.

That night was also the night Cao Wu Feng passed away under the flames. It was a secret that no one else knew, except for Peng Likun and Cao Wu Shuang.

"Then... Where is your child then?" Peng Yan asked. She's curious about this. By right, after what Cao Wu Shuang did, there's no reason for Peng Yan to be left alive. She should be by her mother's side if Cao Wu Feng died in the fire.

"Stupid lass... You still can't guess it?" the Evil abbess stares intensely at Peng Yan. Her word made Peng Yan covered her mouth as she was left speechless.

"I've found the young master!" Yi Feng shouted as he found Qin Lan's shoulder from where he's digging. But the news no longer attractive in the eyes of the trio.

"I am your mother. The Peng Yan died in the fire back then. Your name is not Peng Yan, but Peng Shuang Hui!" Cao Wu Shuang said.

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