The Genius Female Forensic Pathologist, The Psychological Anatomist

Chapter 196

Fang ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌‌​​​‍Rui asked, "Where is Director Liu's office?"

"On the third floor, left side, second to last room."

Fang Rui and Zhang found Director Liu's office and knocked on the door. A voice from inside called out, "Come in!"

Director Liu's office was simply decorated, with many banners hanging on the walls, such as "Skilled and Compassionate," "Grateful for the Safe Delivery of Mother and Child, Praising Medical Virtue," and "Exemplary Medical Ethics, Renowned Expertise." These banners reflected his excellent medical skills and moral character.

Director Liu was a middle-aged man in his forties, not very tall, quite thin, with a receding hairline and a kind, approachable face.

He was writing a report when he saw Fang Rui and Zhang. Frowning, he asked, "Who are you? What do you want?"

They showed their badges and explained their purpose.

Upon learning they were police officers, Director Liu's frown deepened. "Officers, what do you need from me?"

Fang Rui asked, "Director Liu, where were you between 8 PM and 10 PM on the night of September 14th?"

"September 14th? Let me think... I got home a little after six that day and stayed in all evening. I didn't go out."

"Can anyone confirm that?"

Director Liu grew angry. "What are you implying? Are you suspecting me?"

Fang Rui said, "Why are you lying? Surveillance footage shows your car near the highway entrance on the national road around 8 PM that night."

"That's impossible! I haven't left the city recently. How could my car be near the highway entrance? Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

Fang Rui handed Director Liu a photo from the surveillance footage.

Upon seeing the photo, Director Liu was visibly shocked. He muttered, "This can't be. My car couldn't have been on that road. I've never been there! That's not my car!"

Fang Rui pressed, "You said you were at home that night. Can you provide any evidence to prove it?"

Director Liu's eyes darted nervously. He stammered, "I'm divorced, and I live alone. There's no one to confirm my whereabouts."

"Doesn't your residential complex or elevator have surveillance cameras?"

"No, I live in an older neighborhood. There are no cameras."

As Fang Rui was about to press further, someone barged into the office. It was Director Wang, the head of the hospital. He had a beer belly and a stern expression as he entered.

After understanding the situation, he said, "Officers, Director Liu is in charge of technical matters and doesn't handle hospital management. If you want to investigate something, you should come to me. Why are you giving Director Liu such a hard time?"

Zhang retorted, "We're not giving him a hard time. We're just verifying his alibi."

"Director Liu is an honest man. What could he possibly have to do with a crime?"

Director Liu chimed in, "I wasn't there. It has nothing to do with me."

"Officers, let's discuss this in the meeting room," Director Wang said, noticing Director Liu's nervous demeanor and quickly stepping in to defuse the situation.

Fang Rui and Zhang had no choice but to follow Director Wang to the meeting room.

Director Wang busied himself making tea, but Fang Rui interrupted him and asked directly, "Director Wang, does your hospital offer Down syndrome screening as part of prenatal checkups?"

Director Wang insisted on serving the tea first. After sitting down on the sofa, he replied leisurely, "Yes, it's a standard part of prenatal care. We also offer genetic screening to detect various hereditary diseases, in line with the eugenics policy."

"Have any pregnant women at your hospital been diagnosed with Down syndrome in their fetuses?"

"Of course! The incidence rate of Down syndrome is higher than one in a thousand. We detect several cases every year, but under medical advice, most women choose to terminate the pregnancy. So the child with Down syndrome you're investigating couldn't have been born in our hospital. You should check other hospitals."

Director Wang assumed Fang Rui was investigating a medical malpractice case and was eager to distance the hospital from any responsibility.

Zhang said, "But someone claimed to have seen the child at your hospital."

"Who said that? Have them come forward, and I'll confront them directly."

Fang Rui asked, "Can you provide us with a list of the pregnant women who were diagnosed with Down syndrome?"

"Well... that involves patient privacy. We can't disclose that information. Officers, I've already told you, no child with Down syndrome was born in our hospital. You're wasting your time here. You should check the public hospitals. Their patient base is more diverse, and it's possible that some women didn't undergo prenatal screening or that the screening failed to detect Down syndrome, resulting in such a birth."

Fang Rui said, "If you don't provide the list, we'll have no choice but to obtain a search warrant."

Hearing this, Director Wang immediately changed his tone. "As responsible citizens, we have a duty to cooperate with the police in solving cases. No problem, I'll have the nurse in charge of records print out the list of pregnant women and their medical files. If you need any other data, just let us know. We'll fully cooperate."

Fang Rui quickly obtained the list of pregnant women, but Li Yan's name was not on it. He had previously investigated Li Yan's prenatal reports, which showed that her fetus was healthy. This proved that someone had tampered with Li Yan's prenatal records.

After leaving the hospital, Zhang said, "Boss, Director Liu is definitely lying. He probably wasn't at home that night."

"Let's check out his residential complex."

"Got it."

Director Liu had previously worked at the First Affiliated Hospital of the City before moving to Anqi Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital. He lived in a residential complex allocated to him by the First Affiliated Hospital. Since he owned the property, he was allowed to keep it even after changing jobs.

"Seems like Director Liu is content with a modest lifestyle," Zhang remarked. "He's a director now, yet he still lives in such an old neighborhood."

Fang Rui noticed that the complex had surveillance cameras.

He asked the security guard at the entrance, "Are these cameras operational?"

"Yes, they were installed a few months ago."

Fang Rui showed his badge and asked, "Can you help us pull up the surveillance footage from the 14th?"

"Sure, no problem."

The security guard, a chatty middle-aged man, struck up a conversation with Zhang while retrieving the footage.

Zhang made up a story, "Do you know Director Liu? I heard he's an excellent obstetrician. My relative wants to deliver at his hospital. Do you think we could schedule an appointment with him? Would a gift help?"

"Don't waste your time. Director Liu never accepts gifts."

"He's truly a doctor with high moral standards."

The security guard chuckled but didn't say more.

Zhang asked, "Am I wrong?"

"Not entirely. His medical skills are indeed good, but his character... well, that's another story."

"Why do you say that?"

The guard lowered his voice, "He and his wife got divorced. Guess why? He had an affair with a woman in her twenties. If I hadn't overheard his wife arguing with him, I'd never have guessed that someone who seems so honest could be like that!"

"But he lives in this shabby place. He probably doesn't have much money. What would the mistress see in him?"

"Do you think a hospital director could be poor? Forget his salary—just think about the red envelopes and kickbacks he must receive. He may live in this dump and drive a beat-up car, but who knows? His house might be stuffed with cash."Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Zhang asked curiously, "How do you know he has cash hidden at home?"

"Isn't that how it always is in TV dramas? They look poor, but when you lift the mattress, there's a pile of cash underneath."


"Director Liu's son did terribly in school but still went abroad to study. Where did the money come from? As soon as he divorced his wife, she also went abroad and even bought a house there. Where did that money come from?"

"Couldn't his wife have earned it?"

"His wife was a homemaker. How could she have made that much money?"

Fang Rui asked, "Did you see Director Liu return home on the 14th?"

Without hesitation, the guard replied, "No!"

"How can you be so sure?"

"I haven't seen Director Liu drive back for several days. Ever since his divorce, he's been coming back less often." The guard winked. "You can probably guess why."

Zhang asked, "Do you know where he went?"

The guard muttered, "I'm just a lowly security guard. How would I know?"

"..." Zhang was speechless. Didn’t you already know enough?

After returning to the bureau, they carefully reviewed the surveillance footage from the neighborhood. The footage showed that Director Liu’s car had not returned to the community.

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